01 Nov Help Stop Your Dog from Getting Bored
Being confined to a backyard all alone for hours can be lonely and tedious, especially for a species as intelligent as canines. We need to understand that just like humans, dogs get bored as well and need physical and mental stimulation. In the wild dogs spend most of their time hunting for food; bowl feeding at the end of day normally lasts 2 minutes, so why not make this simple task last for hours.
- Food toys are a great way to stimulate your dog and by frequently changing up the toy creates different puzzles for them.
- Frozen treats such as mini ice blocks made of 1/4 of a teaspoon of PETVIM mixed with water is a great way to keep your furry friend healthy, hydrated and occupied… as well as cool them down in the hotter months. PETVIM is a unique blend of all natural soluble superfoods that are packed with key essential vitamins and minerals that is specially formulated for cats and dogs.
Scatter treats coated with PETVIM all around the yard to create a treasure hunt for them. Dogs love the great taste of PETVIM. Leaving a scent trail to each treat around the yard will allow them to pick up the scent and begin their happy hunting.
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